Our company history

1990: Foundation of Wittig Electronic GmbH by Harald and Elke Wittig; the company is launched from their own dwelling in Freiberg
1991: Purchase of a 1200 m2 site on Frauensteiner Strasse in Freiberg not far from the home of Family Wittig
1993: New construction of an office building with warehouse on the site on the Frauensteiner Strasse, financed by an investor; the company moves in with three employees
1998: The company buildings are acquired by Wittig Electronic GmbH; seven employees
2003: Purchase of a 6000 m2 site in the Southern Commercial Park in Brand-Erbisdorf, as expansion in Freiberg is not possible.
2004: Construction of an office building with warehouse storage (approx. 600 m2) on the new business premises; relocation to Brand-Erbisdorf with around 16 employees
2005: Foundation of the Czech subsidiary wittig ELECTRONIC s.r.o., Boskovice, with new construction of an office and warehouse building
2007: Acquisition of a competitor in Nuremberg
2014: New construction of Warehouse I (600 m2) and expansion of the office premises in Brand-Erbisdorf; around 30 employees
2015: Transfer of executive management from Harald Wittig to his wife Elke Wittig
2016: Son Michael Wittig joins the Executive Board
2018: Inauguration of Warehouse II with connected production building; expansion of the laboratory; around 40 employees
Innovation builds on tradition. For centuries, Saxony has been an industrial hub with specialist expertise and know-how. This also applies to the comparatively young electronics industry. For example the Elektroindustriewerk electrical industry plant was founded in Freiberg in 1947, which subsequently evolved into the Kondensatorenwerk Freiberg, a plant specialising in the production of capacitors. This is where the professional roots of Harald and Elke Wittig lie. In Dresden, scientists started research in the field of microelectronics in 1961. With this, they laid the foundations for the Saxon semiconductor industry, which is characterised by its exceptional innovative capacity.
Wittig ELECTRONIC GmbH sees itself as part of this tradition – a company that sets new standards with innovative developments. To continue this tradition uninterrupted, the Wittigs appointed their successor early on in the form of their son Michael Wittig, who was appointed CEO.
Attachment to the region
We supply customers all around the world, but at the same time we are deeply attached to our region. This is why we are committed to the development of the Ore Mountains region as a hub of industry and a wonderful place to live. Our aim is to offer the younger generation a secure future here. As an ambassador for Ore Mountains region, Elke Wittig is one of the personalities in the region who takes full advantage of her influence and network of connections to promote her home region and raise its profile and draw attention to its capabilities.